Pendragon et grande campagne

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Dieu des bottes de cuir
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Inscription : mer. mai 17, 2006 11:34 am

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Mugen »

Sauriak a écrit : sam. sept. 23, 2023 7:47 pm J'ai toujours ma vénérée première édition ainsi que la troisième, mais je pense craquer pour le Starter Set.
Est-il question d'une VF ? Si oui, par qui ? (j'espère que ce sera un corbeau)

C'est dit dans le post juste au dessus. :mrgreen:

Cela dit, la VF avait été annoncée dans la foulée de celle de la VO.
Sois satisfait des fruit, des fleurs et même des feuilles,
Si c'est dans ton jardin à toi que tu les cueilles.
Ne pas monter bien haut peut-être, mais tout seul.
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Messages : 1055
Inscription : ven. avr. 29, 2016 11:54 am

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Sauriak »

Mugen a écrit : sam. sept. 23, 2023 7:52 pm
Sauriak a écrit : sam. sept. 23, 2023 7:47 pm J'ai toujours ma vénérée première édition ainsi que la troisième, mais je pense craquer pour le Starter Set.
Est-il question d'une VF ? Si oui, par qui ? (j'espère que ce sera un corbeau)

C'est dit dans le post juste au dessus. :mrgreen:

Cela dit, la VF avait été annoncée dans la foulée de celle de la VO.
Comme j'ai regardé la vidéo à sa parution, j'ai zappé le post croyant que c'était juste une annonce de sa mise en ligne :)
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »

@Le moine errant 

Tu voulais baser ta campagne en Armorique, je te met, brut de décoffrage, le stables ci-dessous issue d'un supplément non officiel, elles devraient t'aider a construire la narration si tu commences aux époques anciennes, ou à créer l'histoire familiale, sinon.
Your Grandfather’s History
YEAR 490
Brittany: In this year the usurper Riwal of Dumnonee seized the throne. Riwalin, his estraged son (who takes the byname Meliodas), and many other nobles flee to Britain.
If the character’s family is Breton in origin and is now living in Cornwall, the character’s grandfather emigrated on a roll of 01-08. Roll on the Cornwall table for this year and all following years.
Otherwise, roll on the following table:
01-10 Submitted to Riwal.
11-15 Fought against Riwal and fled to the hills. 25 Glory.
16-18 Went to Gaul in exile, serving the Romans.
19-20 Killed by Riwal’s men. 25 Glory.

Cornwall: Saxon Raids.
01-05 Nothing significant.
06-14 Fought with Duke Gorlois and Prince Geraint at Windsor.
15-18 Garrison duty, and survived the raiding. 25 Glory.
19-20 Garrison duty, and killed by Saxons. 25 Glory. End history.

Battle of Windsor (80)
After the Battle (described in the Pendragon main rules) Gorlois was granted parts of the newly re-conquered Thames valley, which later forms the nucleus of Ulfius’ Duchy of Silchester.
01 Died with Great Glory. 1000 Glory. End history.
02 Died in battle.
03-20 Survived.
d20 Passion Roll, 01-05 = success.
10 Hate (Saxons).

YEAR 491
Brittany: Clovis captures much of Roman Gaul.
Characters in Gaul in exile are killed on a roll of 01-05 (25 Glory).

Cornwall: Uther invades Cornwall. Gorlois refuses to surrender his wife, Igraine, to the High King. Ulfius of Ridcaradoch, Gorlois’ brother-in-law, sides with Uther.
01-07 Skirmishing with Uther’s troops. 25 Glory.
08-09 Killed in a fight in the moors. 25 Glory. End history.
10-20 Garrison duty. 10 Glory.

YEAR 492
Brittany: No events.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-20 Survived.
Cornwall: The sieges of Terrabil and Tintagel; Uther “utterly lay waste” to Gorlois’ lands [Story of Merlin, ch. 4]. Gorlois is killed at Terrabil and Igraine surrenders Tintagel. Eliduc is made Duke of Tintagel and Uther weds Igraine (30 days after her husband’s death, in mid-winter).
01-04 Defended Tintagel. 10 Glory.
05-10 Garrison duty elsewhere.
11-20 Fought at Terrabil.
Battle of Castle Terrabil (100)
01-02 He died with Great Glory (1000)
03-06 Died in battle. End history.
07-20 Survived and ransomed.

YEAR 493
Brittany: No events.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-20 Survived.

Cornwall: Uther permits the slave tribute to the Irish to be revived. Each year the Cornish must surrender 100 young men and 100 young girls, of 15 (or thereabouts) years old and noble birth, as well as 100 horses. Uther attempts to compensate Gorlois’ vassals (through the intercession of Sir Ulfius), though he divides up the duchy itself; Gorlois’ lands in Silchester are assigned to Sir Ulfius.
Meliodas of Lyonesse refuses to submit.
01-04 Resisted the Irish. 10 Glory.
05-08 Close kin are taken in slavery by the Irish.
09-12 Dispossessed by Eliduc or another of Uther’s men.
13-16 Dispossessed and join Meliodas. 10 Glory.
17-20 Killed by the Irish or Uther’s men. 25 Glory. End history.
d20 Passion Roll, 01-10 = success
10 Hate (Irish)

YEAR 494
No events.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-20 Survived.

YEAR 495
Brittany: No events.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-20 Survived.

Cornwall: Many of Uther’s new lords in Cornwall are killed at St. Alban’s with the king, affording the Cornish (including the character’s family) the opportunity to regain their lands. A major Irish raid occurs. Eliduc of Tintagel and Meliodas
make peace to defend Cornwall.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-05 Resisted the Irish. 10 Glory.
06-07 Slain by the Irish. 25 Glory. End history.
08-15 Fought Uther’s surviving men. 10 Glory.
16-20 Joined forces with Eliduc and Meliodas. 10 Glory.

YEARS 496-499
In 496 the last Roman towns and cities in Gaul (along the Loire) submitted to
barbarian rule. The collapse of the Roman province meant that the Franks could
now attempt to conquer Brittany.
Irish raiding in Cornwall and Frankish raids in Brittany.
01 Died of a Miscellaneous Causes.
02-05 Killed in a raid. End history.
06-20 Survived.
Brittany: d20 Passion roll: 01-10 success:
10 Hate (Franks)

YEAR 500
Brittany: King Riwal murders the true heir, Prince Mélar of Cornouailles, a pious young man. Rebellion simmers and the martyred prince becomes a popular saint. Famine strikes Brittany for several years.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-06 Stayed out of politics.
07-11 Joined the rebellion. 10 Glory.
12-13 Killed in an encounter with the king’s men. 25 Glory. End history.
14-20 Son taken as hostage and forced to submit.

Cornwall: Idres, step-son of Eliduc, takes command of the Cornish host. He defeats the Irish for the first time.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02 Killed by the Irish. 100 Glory. End history.
03-10 He became one of Idres’s companions. 10 Glory.
11-20 He chose to stay home and protect his family.

YEARS 501-508/9
Cornwall: Meliodas marries Elizabeth, the niece of Gorlois (501)
01-20 Died. Roll on Miscellaneous Causes. To find date of death, roll d20/2

Brittany: Riwal dies and Budic of Cornouailles returns to claim the empty throne.
He restores the lands of the exiles and brings with him men from Cornwall and Escavalon (502). In France, Clovis establishes control over much of the remaining Roman lands and forces Ganis to give tribute (507-511).
These are dangerous years, troubled by raids and disorder. Your grandfather supported either strong leaders or good men, according to his conscience.
01-04 Died. Roll on Miscellaneous Causes.
05-20 Survived.

YEAR 509 (Brittany)
Brittany: Budic is poisoned by agents of Clovis, King of the Franks. Frankish troops over-run Dumnonee and Vannes. Anna, his second wife, and the halfsister of Arthur through his father (though a concubine), becomes regent.
If your family is indicated as coming from Brittany and emigrated to Cornwall, to find the date of its arrival, if not already established, roll d20. On a 1-10 they came to Cornwall at this time. You were born shortly before or after arrival in Britain.
01-03 Your grandfather died with great glory fighting the Franks. 1000 glory.
04-20 Your grandfather was killed in the war. 100 glory.
d20 Passion roll 1-10 Success
10 Hate (French)
Your Father’s History

YEAR 510
Brittany: The young Duke Hoel with his mother Anna resist the Franks. Your father was among Hoel’s knights or a knight of one of his allies. The Franks ally with the Saxons, who descend on Brittany, besieging Vandaliors and La Noeve- Ferte. The barbarians are led by chieftains named Maragond [Meregund, a Frank], Braolant [Beorlaf] and Pignoras [Peonric].
King Bors and Ban of Ganis led many Bretons (from the fiefs of Vannes and the Ganis lands near Broceliande in particular, which are overrun by the French and Saxons) to fight at Bedegraine for King Arthur. Hoel (despite his official neutrality) refuses to stop any knight from fighting for Arthur.
Roll: 01-13 Fight in Brittany; 14-20 Fight at Bedegraine
Fight in Brittany:
01-02 Killed fighting the Saxons and the Franks. 100 Glory. End history.
03-20 Survived.
d20 Passion roll 01-06 = success 10 Hate (French)
d20 Passion roll 01-08 = success 10 Hate (Saxons)
Fight at Bedegraine (see KAP rules, p.63)

Cornwall: In this year Arthur claimed the throne of Britain. The first few to support him included Sir Cador, who was then merely Lord of Dunster and heir to Devon, a decision which led him into serious problems, since King Idres refused to give homage to the boy king. Cador’s father Geraint hesitated and finally supported Arthur at Carlion.
The Cornish under Idres raid Jagent, burning several towns. Ever since the people of Jagent have hated your people.
King Idres is forced to come to the aid of Duke Hoel in Brittany and fight Saxons raiding Cornwall.
01 Died from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-03 Killed fighting (01-10) Saxons or (11-20) Rebels or Loyalists.
04-20 Survived.

YEAR 511
The Frankish kingdom disintegrates after King Clovis’ death. His son Claudas raises Saxon mercenaries to ravage Brittany.
Idres goes to Brittany and relieves Nantes with 3000 men, which was beleagered by the French and their Saxon allies. Many Bretons and Romans flock to Idres’ banner.
In Brittany (at La Noeve Ferte, in Broceliande), Gawaine, his brothers, and Galeschin, who had been hidden there for safety, form the “Young Squires” and adopt chivalry. Though refusing to fight their fathers, they promise to aid Arthur and his ideals. They leave their protectors for Cornwall.
Later in the year, in autumn, Nentres (who is in northern France) arrives in Brittany and fights the Saxons at La Noeve-Ferte in Broceliande. The result is inconclusive.
01-06 Served Garrison duty
07-12 Fought in small actions against the French
13-17 Joined Idres at Nantes (10 glory)
18-20 Fought at La Noeve-Ferte
The Battle of La Noeve-Ferte (50)
01-02 Killed with Great Glory 1000 glory. End history.
03-05 Killed in battle. End history.
06-20 Survived.

In Devon, Geraint remarries to Enid of Gwent, a member of the royal family of Escavalon, firmly aligning himself with Arthur [Geraint ac Enyd, a Welsh Romance] . He repudiates any fealty to King Idres.
01 Died from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-03 Killed fighting Saxons and French in Brittany.
04-20 Survived.

YEAR 512
Brittany: In Spring, Tradelmant of Norgales and the King with a Hundred Knights lead expeditions against the Saxons raiding Léon and rout them near Lindesores.
Hoel attempts to regain control of eastern Brittany from the Franks. He has limited success. After Igraine reveals that Arthur is her son by Uther, Hoel (Arthur’s nephew) swears allegiance by proxy to the new High King.
Using his ties with the Rebel Kings, Hoel helps to patch together a truce with Arthur which culminates in a submission by the Rebels later in the year.
01 Go to Miscellaneous Cause Table.
02 Died in a small battle. 10 Glory. End history.
03-10 Survived.
11-15 Fought at Lindesores.
16-20 Fought at the Lake of Diana.

The Battle of Lindesores (50)
01 Killed with Great Glory 1000 glory. End history.
02-04 Killed in battle. End history.
05-20 Survived (on a roll of 10-20, also fought at the Lake, below).
Later in the year, Saxons, led by one Sorionde [Saeraed], again raid Cornouailles,
destroying Vandeliors, near Quimper, then marching to join their compatriots
near Broceliande. King Idres and his Danes corner the Saxons in Lys, but are
nearly defeated, save for the timely help of Ywaine, Gawaine and other

Battle of the Lake of Diana (in Broceliande) (50)
The Cornish and Bretons defeated the Saxons after a long, bloody battle with the help of the Young Squires: Ywaine and Gawaine. Sir Açes de Raguindel leads the Bretons.
01-02 Killed with Great Glory 1000 glory. End history.
03-05 Killed in battle. End history.
06-20 Survived.

Cornwall: Meliodas disappears and civil war results in Lyonesse. Queen Elizabeth is forced into the wilderness, pregnant with the heir, and dies giving birth to Tristram. Later that year Meliodas returns and recovers his throne. The rebel lords are executed and loyal knights rewarded with their lands.
Mark, now calling himself “Prince Mark” rides into Logres with a few members of his household and discovers the dead Lanceor and Colombe. He raises a monument to them (on the Roman road near Cirencester). Shortly thereafter he meets with Arthur and has a secret parley.
01-02 Go to Miscellaneous Cause Table.
03-05 Fought in the civil war in Lyonesse. 10 glory.
06-12 Fought against the Saxons at the Lake of Diana, with Idres (see above).
13-20 Served garrison duty.

YEAR 513
Cornwall: King Meliodas quarrels with the Northern Kings, and is accused of adultery with the Queen of Ecosse (his late wife’s sister). He withdraws his forces from the Rebel army.
Mark of Totnes betrays King Idres, adding his men to Arthur’s host. The Cornish are defeated, and King Idres is killed. Idres’s Danish mercenaries revolt and attempt to seize control of Cornubia and Lyonesse.
Arthur and the lords of Cornwall ally against the mercenaries; it is said the King Idres returns from the grave to surrender his kingdom to Arthur. The Danes are defeated at Zennor, in Lyonesse. They flee to the Scillies and Ireland.
01-03 Go to Miscellaneous Cause Table.
04-08 Served in Garrison duty.
09-20 Fought at Terrabel.

The Battle of Terrabel (600)
The first numbers are if your father fought for King Idres, the second are if he fought for Mark or Cador, with Arthur. Idres ruled Cornubia, Tintagel and Artavia; Mark and Cador controlled Totnes, Devon and Dunster. Lys and Lyonesse did not participate in the battle, although they did fight at Zennor.
A large Breton contingent fought against Ryons under Oridials and Guiomar of Morlaix.
01-03 / 01 Killed with great glory. 1000 glory. End history.
04-07 / 02-04 Died in the battle. End history.
08-20 / 05-20 Survived, continue.

The Battle of Zennor (100)
All fought at Zennor that were able (on 01-03 your father was not present).
01 He died with considerable glory. 100 glory. End history.
02-03 He died in battle. End history.
04-20 He survived.
d20 Passion roll 01-09 = success.
10 Fear (Danes)
Roll to determine if your father went with Arthur to Brittany. On a roll of 01-08 he followed the High King. If your family is from Cornwall and settled in Brittany, they automatically go and settle there at this point. (If your father died, presume you were adopted and taken there by an uncle).

Knights from Leon and Morlaix should roll on the battle of Terrabel chart, later in the year Arthur leads his men and knights from Cornwall to Brittany where they defeat the French and their Frisian allies.
All the remaining knights of Brittany fought at Dinan. On a roll of 01-10 (d20) survivors go on to fight the French at Trebes, in Ganis.

The Battle of Dinan (100)
01 He died with Great Glory. 1000 Glory. End history.
02-04 He died in battle. End history.
05-20 Survived.

The First Battle of Trebes (100)
01 He died with Great Glory. 1000 Glory. End history.
02-03 He died in battle. End history.
04-20 Survived.
d20 Passion Roll 01-05=Success.
10 Hate (French)

YEARS 514-516
Arthur married Guenevere at Pentecost in 514 and refounded the Round Table. In 515, the Lady of Vawse becomes embroiled in an attempt to shame Arthur for the May Babies in the “Adventure of the Grey Knight” (printed in Tales of Mystic Tournaments).

Brittany: Hoel takes over Vannes, Sir Dinas becomes Viscount of Dinan, and
Jonas recovers his family lands in Dumnonee.
01-02 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
03-20 Survived.

Cornwall: Mark takes the vacant throne after a council of the barons of Cornwall (515). As a boon from Arthur for his betrayal of Idres, the High King is compelled to recognize his election. King Meliodas and some of his friends go into the North and attempt to abduct (or rescue) Felice, the Queen of Ecosse.
01-03 Roll on Miscellaneous Causes Table.
04-18 Fought in local battles or against the Saxons. 50 Glory.
19-20 Killed by Saxon raiders. 100 Glory. End history.
[if a knight of Lyonesse substitute “Pict” for Saxon in the events table.]

YEAR 517
Brittany: No major events.
01 Died, Roll on the Miscellaneous Causes Table.
02-20 Survived.

Cornwall: Saxons invaded at Totnes, overrunning Totnes and much of Devon; their raids reach as far as Somerset, where Geraint of Devon is killed. Boudin, Mark’s younger brother, dies, after the battle, of his wounds. Boudin was crucial in the victory, and his death removes a popular rival for Mark’s throne. Arthur intervenes in the feud between Meliodas and the King of Ecosse. The Queen of Ecosse is hidden in the wilds by her husband. Her children Andred and Archeman are sent to Cornwall to be fostered by King Mark.
01-02 Died with great glory. 1000 glory. End history.
03-06 Killed by Saxons. 100 glory. End history.
07-15 Fought with Cador at Totnes and in Devon. 100 glory.
16-20 Defended against Saxon raids. 10 glory.

YEAR 518
This is the year of the battle of Badon. All the knights of Cornwall participate; however only part of the troops of Brittany are present.

Brittany: Because of the continuing threat from France, Hoel is able to send only a few knights.
01-07 Present at Badon with Cador or Arthur. Roll on the Badon chart, main rules, p.64.
08-09 Killed fighting the Franks in Brittany. 10 glory.
10-20 Served in the border wars.
Cornwall: roll on the Badon chart, main rules, p.64.

YEAR 519
Brittany: In this year came Dinabuc the giant to the Mont St. Michel, though his first depredations are limited to Coutances in Normandie and the Scissy marshes.
01 Died of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-09 Fought at Alclud with Hoel.
10-15 Fought at Trebes with Jonas.
16-20 Served Garrison Duty.
Hoel and his troops are besieged in the North, while campaigning for Arthur, at Alclud. Many perish, surrounded by the Pictish horde. Arthur arrives and saves the garrison.
The Battle of Alclud (500)
01-02 He died with Great Glory. 1000 glory. End history.
03-05 He was killed in the battle. 10 glory. End history.
06-20 He survived.
d20 Passion Roll 01-10 = Success
10 Fear (Picts)
The Second Battle of Trebes (500)
Many of the Bretons not in Britain fought alongside Ban and Bors of Ganis and were defeated by the French. In this battle, Jonas, Count of Domnonee, is killed.
01-02 He died with Great Glory. 1000 glory. End history.
03-05 He was killed in the battle. End history.
06-09 He was captured and ransomed.
10-20 He escaped and survived.
d20 Passion Roll 01-08 = Success.
10 Hate (Franks)

Cornwall: In this year King Meliodas finally remarried, to Astre, the young daughter (and eldest child) of Duke Hoel. Though she was only a little over thirteen within a year rumors of scandal surface. Queen Astre is beautiful but fickle, fond of luxury and intrigue.

YEAR 520
Brittany & Cornwall: Jonas’s widow is wed to King Mark, who now establishes a foothold in Brittany, controlling both Dumnonee and Poher. He gives lands in Dumnonee to his loyal knights and rewarding Jonas’ vassals with lands in Cornwall left untenanted by the Saxon wars and the war with Arthur. 
St. Pol comes to Leon and becomes its first bishop.
01 Death of Miscellaneous Causes.
02-18 Your father visited Cornwall or Brittany.
19-20 Went Adventuring. Roll on the Father’s Adventure Results Table. (Main rules, p.66).
This is the latest date for arrival in Cornwall or Brittany for immigrant families, so if a date has not been established it occurs at this point.

YEARS 521-522
Cornwall: The Triple Quest takes Sir Marhaus to Cornwall, where he wins the tournament of Vawse. A few days later he slays the giant Taulurd. He remains with Fergus in Pydar for half the year; when he leaves he encounters Tryphaine about to be burned in the Wood of Plessis. He disproves the accusations of adultery against her before continuing back toward the Adventurous Fountain.
Meliodas exiles his second wife to Brittany because she stands accused of attempting to poison his ten-year-old heir Tristram. Tristram himself begs for his step-mother’s life.
King Mark decrees an end to the tribute to Ireland.
01 He dies of Miscellaneous Causes. End history.
02-10 Your father participates in the Vawse Tourney (see below).
11-16 Nothing significant occurs.
17-20 He sees the trial of Queen Astre in Lyonesse.

The Tournament of Vawse (50)
“Then Sir Marhaus departed, and within two days his damosel brought him whereas was a great tournament that the Lady de Vawse had cried. And who that did best should have a rich circlet of gold worth a thousand bezants. And there Sir Marhaus did so nobly that he was renowned, and had sometime down forty knights, and so the circlet of gold was rewarded him.”
--Malory IV.25
The Tournament is well known for the exploits of Sir Marhaus and Sir Durmart,
a knight from Cambria.
01-10 Your father makes no major impression.
11-15 Your father does well. 10 glory.
16-17 Your father wins one of the contests, though he loses to Marhaus. 100 glory.
18-20 Your father is accidently killed. End history.

YEAR 523
Brittany and Cornwall: Merlin is last seen in Cornwall and Brittany before disappearing forever. Many knights of the Round Table search for him, and Arthur posts a reward. Sir Ywaine has an adventure in the forest of Broceliande, and weds Laudine, the elder daughter of Sir Guythure of Morlaix. The marvels in Broceliande begin increasing in number and perilousness; the forest becomes increasingly impassible. Later in the year King Arthur has a court in Carhaix. 
01 Your father dies searching for Merlin, somewhere in the Cornish moors or the forest of Broceliande. 10 glory.
02-18 Nothing of note. If in Brittany, your father briefly sees King Arthur at court.
19-20 Went Adventuring. Roll on the Father’s Adventure Results Table. (Main rules, p.66).

YEAR 524
Brittany: Hoel and his troops return to Britain to suppress the rebellion of Angrés of Windsor, the son of Ulfius, Duke of Silchester. Mark and his men are absent from the muster, but since Angrés is his kinsman (the son of his aunt), this is not surprising.
If the character’s father is from Domnonee or Carhaix he does not take part in this battle.
01-10 Fought at Windsor with Hoel.
11-20 Garrison duty.
The Battle of Windsor (100)
01 Your father was killed. 10 glory.
02-20 Your father survived the battle.

Cornwall: Lancelot comes to Cornwall on his way to Camelot. Tryphaine, the Queen of Cornwall, dies and Mark vows never to remarry. The Irish raid Cornwall in the fall, for the first time since Mark ended the tribute. Dywel, the Lord of Barnstaple, is killed fighting in Cambria against Maelgwyn.
01-05 Your father is jousted down by a strange knight whom no-one knows and no-one can defeat. 10 glory.
06-10 Your father gathers at Castle Dore to see the funeral of the Queen.
11-15 Your father fights the Irish.
16-17 Your father sees a baby girl given into the care of Duke Cador by a young woman from Cambria.
18-20 Your father vanishes into the north (he dies on the Adventure of the Castle of Joy). 10 glory. End history.

YEAR 526
“Then came to him an husbandman of the country, and told him how there was in the country of Constantine, beside Brittany, a great giant which had slain, murdered and devoured much people of the country, and had been sustained seven year with the children of the commons of that land, ‘insomuch that all the children be all slain and destroyed; and now he hath taken the Duchess of
Brittany as she rode with her meyne…”
--Malory V.5

Brittany: Dinabuc, having devoured the people of the coast near his lair, moves inland and spreads his terror into the towns. Many knights were slain defending the country from his rampage. The giant seized the wife of Duke Hoel, raped,and killed her. Only King Arthur and some of his knights were able to kill the monster (in March).
01-05 Your father was killed by the giant. He acquited himself well and sacrificed himself to save the innocent. 1000 glory. End history.
06-20 Your father survived and joined Duke Hoel to fight with Arthur in France against the Franks and Romans.
10 Fear (giants)
10 Loyalty (Arthur)

Hoel’s Campaign in Poitou (150)
Hoel conquered Poitou, but his magnamity convinced the Count, Guitard, to swear allegiance to Arthur.
01 He was killed in the campaign. End history.
02-20 He survived. 10 glory. Go onto the the Battle in Italy and later events
(Main rules, p.66).

Cornwall: Only those knights from Cador’s lands fight in France and Italy, because Mark retains his knights to guard against the Irish.
Cador’s knights are ambushed after the Battle of Autun. They escaped total disaster only through the help of Lancelot and French knights from Poitou.
The Ambush after the Battle of Autun. (250)
01-03 He died with great glory. 1000 glory. End history.
04-12 He died in battle. 10 glory. End history.
13-20 He survived. 10 glory. Go on to the Battle in Italy and later events (Main rules, p.66).
d20 Passion roll. 01-10 Success +6 Suspicious (Romans)
Tristram, still a squire, may be encountered at Paris at this time; he attends the feast held by Pharamond (the Count there) to welcome King Arthur after the surrender of the French. At this feast a fool predicts the death of Sir Marhaus, who is present, by Tristram’s hand. Sometime later in the year Pharamond’s daughter accuses Tristram of attacking her. When she is proved a liar, she commits suicide. It is said she did this for love of the young squire.

YEAR 527
In this year King Meliodas released his wife Astre from her exile and she returned to Lyonesse.
A peaceful year.
01 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-18 Survived.
19-20 Went Adventuring. Roll on the Father’s Adventure Results Table. (Main rules, p.66).

YEAR 528
Brittany: Arthur visits Brittany while returning from Rome.
01 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-18 Survived, visited the court of the High King.
19-20 Went Adventuring. Roll on the Father’s Adventure Results Table. (Main rules, p.66).

Cornwall: The Irish raid in retribution for the ending of the tribute six years previously. The Irish seize many noble hostages, including Andred, the King’s nephew. Yder is killed by giants in Somerset, on Brent Knoll.
01 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
02 Killed by Irish raiders.
03-04 Heir seized by the Irish (the Player Character). See YEAR 530.
06-20 Garrison duty.

YEAR 529
01 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-18 Survived.
19-20 Went Adventuring. Roll on the Father’s Adventure Results Table. (Main rules, p.66).
Cornwall: Tristram, Mark’s nephew, recently returned from the Continent, volunteers to challenge Sir Marhaus over the slave tribute. Tristram, who does not at first reveal his ancestry, had become famous at Mark’s court for his skill at hunting, his courtliness and his bravery. 
Marhaus and Tristram’s fight in the Scillies, on the Isle of St. Samson, on the summer solstice is witnessed by many knights from Ireland and Logres, including Sir Gaheris of Orkney.
Tristram kills Marhaus. He is, however, badly wounded. Mark orders a yearly festival on the solstice to celebrate this triumph.
01 Death from Miscellaneous Causes.
02-10 Visited the court celebration at Tintagel and saw the wounded Tristram.
11-20 Served Garrison duty in case Tristram failed.

YEAR 530
Brittany: Your father disappears one day, while in the forest, hunting. No-one knows what happened. Some say he was lost in the increasingly enchanted wilderness, others say his enemies waylaid him and left him in a shallow grave.
Ysaive, the wife of Caradues, is often seen in the company of the sorceror Eliavres, though nothing more serious than rumor arises.
Sir Agrippe, the Marshal of Brittany, quarrels publicly with his liege Duke Hoel.

Cornwall: In the winter of the year a huge force of pirates (Saxons, Vandals and others) invades southern Cornwall and are defeated by the leadership of Prince Boudwin. He orders fireships to be sailed into the fleet and routs them. But Boudwin is killed after the battle, apparently by a treacherous prisoner. Your father died during the battle.
Shortly afterwards, the Irish return the Cornish captives. The Cornish nobility take a large part in the Irish War. In Ireland, King Anguish announces a tournament to be held the next spring for the hand of the Lady of the Launds.
Dernière modification par Harfang2 le mar. oct. 24, 2023 12:16 pm, modifié 1 fois.
Plurima leges, pessima republica
Dieu des jeunes à casquette
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Inscription : lun. févr. 02, 2004 1:05 pm
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par legnou »

On le trouve quelque part ce supplément non officiel qui a l'air plus qu'intéressant ?
Je ne suis pas vieux, je suis vintage et à jamais Sochalien !
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Dieu d'après le panthéon
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »

legnou a écrit : lun. oct. 23, 2023 10:02 pm On le trouve quelque part ce supplément non officiel qui a l'air plus qu'intéressant ?
A ma connaissance plus nul part.
Je l'avais trouvé sous format Word sous le nom de "Lands of tristam", je ne sais plus où et il n'a jamais été publié professionnellement.
Plurima leges, pessima republica
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Killing Joke
Messages : 1320
Inscription : mar. mars 14, 2006 8:42 pm

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Killing Joke »

legnou a écrit : lun. oct. 23, 2023 10:02 pm On le trouve quelque part ce supplément non officiel qui a l'air plus qu'intéressant ?

Il a l'air de traîner là depuis 2017 : ... a88e79_pdf
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Dieu d'après le panthéon
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »

C'est lui. :)
Plurima leges, pessima republica
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Killing Joke
Messages : 1320
Inscription : mar. mars 14, 2006 8:42 pm

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Killing Joke »

Je ne connaissais pas l'histoire de ce supplément avorté, mais ce thread permet d'en apprendre à peine plus (c'est vieux à la base) : ... -cornwall/ (infos fournies apparemment par l'auteur initial, Jeff Jerwin)

Lands of Tristram was commissioned by Green Knight but they folded before they could publish or pay me for it. A copy leaked to the web but I had nothing to do with releasing it.

Greg asked me to rewrite it for KAP and it's awaiting the 6th edition. It's substantially rewritten, with scenarios and integrated with the newer books.
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Dieu d'après le panthéon
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »

J'avais construit, pour mes besoins, la carte qu'aurait du contenir ce vrai faux supplément, en prenant en compte toutes les références du livre sur les localisations et en m'appuyant sur les usages de la gamme 3ème. Si ça peut être utile à quelqu'un comme base.

Ce qui m'amène, d'ailleurs a souligner la rejouabilité de Pendragon, selon le secteur ou les joueurs se fixent on peut rebâtir des séquences d'événements très différent. Une campagne débutant en Armotique, en Cornouailles ou Ganis aura un parfum très différent.
Plurima leges, pessima republica
Dieu des jeunes à casquette
Messages : 7054
Inscription : lun. févr. 02, 2004 1:05 pm
Localisation : Provisoirement sur Sol III

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par legnou »

Merci pour les partages. 👍
Je ne suis pas vieux, je suis vintage et à jamais Sochalien !
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Le moine errant
Messages : 367
Inscription : dim. janv. 13, 2008 5:17 pm
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Le moine errant »

Un grand merci, Harfang! (Je viens de voir tes posts sur ce fil). C'est super ce supplément et ta carte.
Le Moine Errant
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Dieu d'après le panthéon
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »

Si ça intéresse quelqu'un en recherchant un ancien article sur l'art de personnaliser les chevaux pour Pendragon, je suis retombé sur un article paru dans Dragon Mag. C'est pour Ad&D 2 mais, enfin, si ça intéresse quelqu'un. De temps à autre mettre l'accent sur les chevaux, ça peut être sympa.
Plurima leges, pessima republica
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Messages : 56
Inscription : jeu. août 12, 2010 8:09 pm

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Asb »

2 sorties Pendragon prévues en Mars 2024

The Grey Knight
A Campaign Book for Pendragon

ISBN 9781568823720
88 pages

Pendragon: Player’s HandbookCHA2731-H
ISBN: 9781568824734
256 pages
Hardcover ... arch-2024/
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Dieu d'après le panthéon
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Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Harfang2 »


Bon, je sèche un peu.
Je joue demain avec mes camarades habituelles. Lucius empereur romain a été vaincu, l'Italie conquise, les PJ sont à Rome. J'aurais voulu en profiter pour leur proposer un scenario un peu "exotique".
Mais, ayant eu beaucoup de boulot et étant crévé, je suis un peu resté sur la page blanche, si, d'aventure, quelqu'un avait une idée de Pitch, que sais-je, les emmenant vers les rives de la Sicile, de la Dalmatie ou alors explorant les dessous d'une noir magie étrusque survivant encore je serais preneur. 
Avec un pitch je devais pouvoir me débrouiller en impro, mais là, tout seul, c'est le vide abyssale.
Dernière modification par Harfang2 le jeu. nov. 30, 2023 5:37 pm, modifié 1 fois.
Plurima leges, pessima republica
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Messages : 56
Inscription : jeu. août 12, 2010 8:09 pm

Re: Pendragon et grande campagne

Message par Asb »

Quelques idées :

1. Sicile Mystérieuse :
Les PJ sont contactés par Octavia, une historienne sicilienne passionnée par les légendes locales. Elle les invite à enquêter sur les événements étranges se produisant près du mont Etna. Ils rencontrent également Marcus, un mystérieux voyageur cherchant des réponses à propos d’une ancienne malédiction.
2. Dalmatie Envoûtante :
Un érudit nommé Cassius contacte les PJ après avoir découvert des artefacts antiques liés à la magie noire étrusque. Ils croisent le chemin d’Aurelia, une prêtresse locale affirmant connaître les secrets de ces rituels interdits.
3. Rome Secrète :
Les PJ sont approchés par Caius, un sénateur romain souhaitant mettre un terme à une conspiration occulte dans les coulisses du pouvoir impérial. Ils croisent également Livia, une sorcière exilée essayant de contrecarrer les plans d’un groupe occulte cherchant à réveiller d’anciennes pratiques magiques.
4. Voyage Interdit :
Un mystérieux alchimiste du nom de Lucius propose aux PJ un voyage vers des lieux interdits où les secrets de la magie étrusque pourraient être révélés. En chemin, ils rencontrent Helena, une ancienne gardienne de connaissances interdites, qui pourrait les aider à naviguer dans ces terres dangereuses.
