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Topic: Il est trop nul ce film....
Posted by: Booga, Insane Wizard at mer. 09 oct. 2002 06:35:11 CEST



... regardez toutes les gaffes qu'il y a dedans:

* Revealing mistakes: As Frodo runs from the orcs, his cape is clearly supported by a string to make it look flowing.

* Continuity: As Boromir lies dying, Aragorn leans over him. In the shots over Aragorn's shoulder, looking at Boromir, Boromir's right hand rests on Aragorn's left shoulder. In shots looking at Aragorn, the hand is not there.

* Continuity: While the four hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin) are at The Prancing Pony in Bree, Merry returns from the bar with a pint and Pippin takes off to get his own. When the angle changes to an over-head shot, Merry is no longer at the table and Pippin is suddenly back in place. This was obviously a shot that carried over from the previous scene (prior to Merry's return from the bar).

* Continuity: When Sam reveals to Gandalf what he overheard of Gandalf's and Frodo's conversation, a map disappears and reappears under his right shoulder.

* Continuity: When Gandalf takes the ring out of the fire, the position of the clamp around the ring changes between shots.

* Audio/visual unsynchronised: When Arwen and Aragorn are alone together on a bridge in Rivendell, her lips are moving while he is speaking.

* Audio/visual unsynchronised: In the dwarf mine, when Gandalf sits outside the three doorways and talks to Frodo, Frodo's close-ups are taken from reaction shots to Gandalf's speech so that we see Gandalf's beard moving as if he was talking, even though no sound is heard.

* Continuity: Aragon removes his hand twice from his sword as he talks to Boromir on the mountain. (Once in the wide shot and the second time in close-up).

* Revealing mistakes: As Aragorn leads the Hobbits through the woods after leaving Bree, the pack on his back bumps the camera.

* Continuity: When Aragorn's pack bumps the camera, it's on his right shoulder, but in the next shot you it's on the left.

* Continuity: Throughout the movie, Frodo's fingernails are very bitten down and short, but a close-up when the Black Rider tries to sniff him out shows neatly manicured nails.

* Continuity: The positions of Gimli's axes as he stands in Balin's tomb.

* Revealing mistakes: When the Dark Rider asks the Hobbit for the way to Hobbiton, the Hobbit's shadow and the Rider's shadow come from different directions.

* Revealing mistakes: The forced perspective trick becomes visible while Gandalf and Bilbo are having tea. As Bilbo is pottering about, Gandalf sits on a Hobbit-sized chair at a table that is too small for him. As he shuffles slightly to get comfortable, his knees move the table, but only his, smaller, half moves - the other half, where Bilbo is seated, is further away from the camera, and stays put. It can be seen that this gap between the two table "halves" is concealed behind cleverly placed, bottles, plates, etc. Then, when Bilbo is about to pour hot water in the teapot, Gandalf lifts the teapot lid for him. The lid is not on the teapot, but placed on a spike nearer to the camera to create the forced perspective. It is also clearly visible when Gandalf puts the lid back.

* Continuity: Gandalf's belt repeatedly switches between being tied and untied as he speaks to Bilbo.

* Continuity: The rope handle of Gandalf's staff jumps around his hand between cuts during his meeting with Saruman.

* Continuity: When Gandalf first appears riding on his cart, there is a long grey-green cloth hanging from the lantern on the right-hand side of the cart, with Gandalf's staff on the left. In the next shot, the lantern and cloth have switched sides with the staff (which itself moves back and forth between shots as Gandalf and Frodo travel into the village). It would seem that the first shot has been flipped so that the "road" bends round to the left to match the curve of the road as Gandalf approaches Frodo in the next shot.

* Audio/visual unsynchronised: As Saruman reveals the Palantir to Gandalf, he lifts the cloth while speaking the line "Why should we fear to use it?" As he finishes the line, his mouth is still moving.

* Revealing mistakes: After the huge orc battle, one of the "dead" orcs sits up and has a good look round before lying back down. This has been explained away in all manner of different ways, but it strikes a sufficient number of viewers as incongruous that it seems more likely to be a genuine error than not.

* Revealing mistakes: When the Black Rider comes into shot while the hobbits are hiding under the tree-roots, he appears on the left-hand side of the tree without first being visible on the right-hand side. It has been suggested that this effect was intentionally included to make the wraith's first appearance seem alarming, but it still doesn't really make much sense.

* Continuity: When Frodo is taken by the water creature outside the mine, he is not wearing his hairy Hobbit feet.

* Continuity: As the Fellowship approaches the two giant statues of the kings on the river, both kings have their left arms extended. Once the boats have passed and we look back, it appears as though the statue now on our left has his right arm extended. Indeed, from the angle of his head, it could be said that the statue on the right also has his right arm extended. Some have argued that there is no error and it is merely the camera angle that makes it look wrong.

* Continuity: When Gandalf is saying goodbye to Bilbo outside Bag End the night of the party, the front door is as wide open as it can get. It stays wide open throughout their conversation outside and shows no indication in scenes before or after of being a self-closer. After Bilbo has gone, Gandalf returns to the house and opens the (as far as we know) already open door.

* Revealing mistakes: When Boromir cuts his finger on the broken sword, the blood is visible on his finger behind the sword before he gets cut, and as the sword is pulled away, his undamaged fingertip is visible through the blood.

Par contre:

* Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Gimli attempts to smash the ring with an axe which is completely destroyed, breaking into several pieces. In the next shot the pieces are missing and, when he pledges his axe to Frodo several minutes later, the axe is suddenly intact. In fact, he snatches the axe of the dwarf next to him to attack the ring. This doesn't explain the missing pieces, but does leave his own axe intact to be pledged later.

Et puis pour ceux qui ont remarqué que Gandalf laissait son baton chez Saruman quand il s'enfuit avec Gwaihir, et qu'ensuite à Rivendell, il a un baton à nouveau, Ian McKellen expliquait sur son site que Gandalf (comme tout bon magicien) a une caverne secrète avec tout un stock de batons, de chapeaux, etc, identiques.... Quoi? Vous trouvez pas ça crédible??? Pourtant c'est Ian McKellen qui le dit...


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<< Previous topic:  La Voix de Rokugan est Down... - Caron, mer. 09 oct. 2002 11:46:38 CEST
>> Next topic:  Pour patienter jusqu'au 18 décembre... - Booga, Insane Wizard, mer. 09 oct. 2002 06:23:40 CEST


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